By the end of this article, you’ll have a fast & comfortable setup to develop, debug and contribute to core git on MacOS (apple silicon). You’ll explore git’s codebase with various tools, write your very first patch, and learn a thing or two about the contribution process.



  • Setup a lightweight linux environment (gdb & friends don’t work on apple silicon)
  • The development workflow with VSCode, VSCodium, Neovim or other
  • The debug workflow with gdb, and then gdb-server + editor of choice
  • Exploring code via call graphs using valgrind, kcachegrind and hotspot
  • Writing your very first patch
  • Advice for submitting patches & other resources
  • Appendix

Lightweight linux environment

Apart from being easier to setup for development, and more closely matching the environment that most people use to contribute to core git, linux also has a much more convenient debugging tool - gdb. We’ll be utilizing gdb-server to make debugging with VSCode a breeze. For all this, we’ll need a linux environment.

I’ve tried a few different approaches:

My original choice was Multipass – it looked like the right tool for the job. However, I kept running into various issues, which are discussed below in Appendix X.

Then I tried Dev Containers, but they didn’t provide anything better over a simple docker container; actually made it worse because there’s more dependencies to install to get started.

So I finally tried just a simple docker container, and I couldn’t believe how easy it was to work with.

Let’s set it up:

git clone
git clone
  • then, let’s run a docker container that I’ve prepared for developing core git. It includes a base ubuntu image, dependencies for developing & debugging git, and some extras for convenient use. The first -v flag mounts the cloned git repo at /git, meanwhile -p opens a local port 2020 for ssh access. The other flags are for X11, which we’ll come back to later.
docker run -d -it --name git --hostname git \
	-v "$PWD/git:/git" \
	-p 2020:22 \
	-e "DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0" \
	-v "/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix" \
	-v "$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority" \

If you want to configure your own image, see the Dockerfile I used.

  • and let’s open a shell into it
docker exec -it git zsh -l

and here it is:


  • Let’s also configure ssh
cat >> ~/.ssh/config <<EOF
Host git
	HostName 	localhost
	Port 		2020
	User		root
	ForwardAgent 	yes

docker exec git sh -c "echo '$PUBKEY' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  • and try it out
ssh git

Container setup is now complete.

Note: everything here can be automated, see my infra/local/devel-core-git scripts.

The development workflow

We’ll need an editor. Here I’ve described the setup for VSCode(ium), but I’ll look into setting up Neovim soon. If you have a nice setup for developing thru ssh / in a container, send me an email.

Installing VSCode(ium)

If you’re fine with Microsoft’s edition of VSCode (the default), which includes telemetry, tracking & proprietary licensing:

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

code --install-extension "webfreak.debug"
code --install-extension "ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh"
code --install-extension "ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack"

Myself however, I prefer VSCodium – a “community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of VSCode”:

brew install --cask vscodium

codium --install-extension "webfreak.debug"
codium --install-extension ""
codium --install-extension "gediminaszlatkus.ctags-companion"

echo 'alias code="codium"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc



There’s a little button in the very bottom left - “Open a Remote Window”. Through it, another dialog opens, allowing to select which remote to connect to. Recall our git ssh host - use that.

VSCode will now setup a vscode-server in the remote. Upon finishing, a new window, connected to the git host, will appear.

In the remotely-connected VSCode, open the /git project, and then open the integrated terminal via Ctrl + `

Setting up intellisense (go to definition, find references, etc)

  • First, make sure extensions installed locally are available in the remote (docker container). VSCode doesn’t do this automatically, so via Cmd + Shift + P run “Remote: Install local extensions in ‘SSH: git’”.

  • Then, if you installed Microsoft’s VSCode, you’re all set.
  • For VSCodium, we’ll need to generate extra information via universal-ctags (already preinstalled in the container):
ctags -R --fields=+nKz

Building git from source

  • Configure & build:
cat > config.mak <<EOF
CFLAGS += -g3
CFLAGS += -Wall
CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline-functions
CFLAGS += -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fno-optimize-sibling-calls

time make -j `nproc`
  • run & confirm works:
./bin-wrappers/git status
./bin-wrappers/git --version

Looking good so far:


My vscode config, managed via code-settings-sync.


The ./bin-wrappers/git script is a convenient wrapper that we’ll use to run the compiled git binary.


Let’s first try debugging with just gdb. We can run whatever git command we want to explore; let’s try git status:

GIT_DEBUGGER=1 ./bin-wrappers/git status
tui enable
set print thread-events off
b cmd_status
b wt_status_print


You can do a lot with just plain gdb – see a writeup by Philippe Blain which goes into more depth about this. You could even set up gef or gdb-dashboard..

gdb-server + VSCode

Myself I prefer something more visual / interactive. So let’s setup the debugging workflow for VSCode.

We’ve already installed the Native Debug extension. gdb-server is also preinstalled in the container.

  • We’ll just need a .vscode/launch.json file:
mkdir -p .vscode
cat > .vscode/launch.json <<'EOF'
	"version": "0.2.0",
	"configurations": [
			"type": "gdb",
			"request": "attach",
			"name": "Attach to gdb-server",
			"executable": "${workspaceFolder}/git",
			"target": "localhost:5177",
			"remote": true,
			"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
			"gdbpath": "/usr/bin/gdb"
  • then we’ll simply launch gdb-server:
GIT_DEBUGGER="gdbserver localhost:5177" /git/bin-wrappers/git status
  • then, let’s set a breakpoint – open the file selector via Cmd + P, open file builtin/commit.c, find (Cmd + F) the cmd_status function, and add a breakpoint.

  • finally, connect to the gdb-server thru VSCode – open the debug panel via Cmd + Shift + D, select the Attach to gdb-server task, and start debugging!


Writing your very first patch

Alright, let’s try changing something.

Let’s do something simple. How about this: when a user runs git status, we print an additional “Good morning/afternoon/evening” message. It’s pretty useless, but that’s not the point here - we’d simply like to get familiar with changing git’s code.

First, to make sure the example works, let’s find some common ground and create a new branch based off of v2.44.0:

git checkout -b my-cool-feature v2.44.0

But, where do we even start?

Call graphs to the resque

It has proven useful to have a high level overview of the codebase, prior to diving deeper into details, or repeatedly smashing the “Jump to definition” shortcut in your IDE of choice.

There are many tools to help us do just that - explore call/flame graphs. We’ll use valgrind + kcachegrind, and then hotspot.

We’ll need to run X11. Let’s setup xquartz:

brew install xquartz

# allow connections from network clients:
defaults write org.xquartz.X11.plist nolisten_tcp 0

and then reboot.

After each reboot, you’ll need to allow X11 access and start the docker container:

xhost +
docker start git

Back in the container:

apt install -y valgrind kcachegrind dbus-x11 x11-apps

# verify x11 + xquartz setup works:

some eyes should show up 👀

Valgrind + kcachegrind

Generate the callgraph for git status:

GIT_DEBUGGER="valgrind --tool=callgrind --instr-atstart=yes" \
	./bin-wrappers/git status

and then inspect it:

kcachegrind ./callgrind.out.*


kcachegrind, with “Cycle Detection” off, and inside the “Call Graph” view. Quick overview.

The UI is surprisingly easy to use. The idea is simple – get a high-level overview of how a certain command works, and then dig deeper into the code with a regular debugger like gdb as discussed above.

If you recall our debugging experiments, we set a few breakpoints, e.g. at cmd_status and wt_status_print – using a call graph it becomes trivial to find important parts of the code like this.




Advice for submitting patches


Appendix X – Multipass


As briefly touched on before, multipass was my original go-to, until I started having issues and realized how much easier it is to work with a simple docker container.

The issues I encountered:

  • mount performance
    • Multipass uses sshfs for compatibility. Of course it’s slow. An alternative is available - “native mounts”. However, for me they didn’t improve the situation at all.
    • I even tried mounting manually with osxfuse, but no cigar.

Nonetheless, sometimes you can only learn from your own mistakes, so here’s the original “how to get started” with multipass (note it might be outdated since not maintained).


brew install --cask multipass

Creating an instance is simple. The resources can be changed later (except disk which can only be expanded). You definitely don’t need as many cpus; it’s just faster to compile, and there’ll be no effect to your system when they’re not in use anyway.

multipass launch --cpus 8 --memory 8G --disk 16G

this will create a “primary” instance, which means that many multipass commands won’t require you to provide a name of the instance, and will default to the primary one, for convenience.

Let’s connect to our newly created instance via ssh:

multipass sh

and here it is:


Back on the host, let’s also setup an ssh alias vm, so that we can use it when connecting to the instance thru VSCode.

PUBKEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/"
IP="$(multipass info --format=csv "$VM" | tail -n1 | cut -d, -f3)"

# alias
cat >> ~/.ssh/config <<EOF
	HostName $IP
	User     ubuntu

	# share local ssh key with VM
	# see
	ForwardAgent yes

# authorize
multipass exec -n "$VM" -- \
	bash -c "echo '$PUBKEY' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

# add ssh identity to ssh-agent
ssh-add -L || ssh-add

# confirm ssh access to github @ local
ssh -T

# confirm VM ssh access
ssh $ALIAS

in VM, confirm ssh access to github too:

ssh -T
# Hi kiprasmel! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub
# does not provide shell access.

Install dependencies

Follow relevant steps from the Dockerfile.

Regarding mount performance

Now would be the time to clone git’s git repository locally & mount it on the instance. Turns out - not the best idea. I had multiple annoyingly hidden issues that all came down to problems with mounting.

  • Builds failing with Missing library errors
  • Builds failing with Permission denied errors
  • Slow FS performance – build times & commands like git status taking forever

I spent way too much time trying to fix the permission errors, or installing the missing libraries, or increasing resources for the VM to make it faster.

Nope. It was mounts the whole time.

The solution

Don’t use mounts at all. Can’t have mounting issues if you don’t have any mounts…

But no, really. We’ll use the instance’s filesystem directly, and we’ll push our changes to a remote repository to keep a backup. Simple as.

Appendix X – “make -j” with/without nproc

Writing the blog, and for myself, I want to make the commands fast & easy to use.

I was used to make -j $(nproc), but wondered if the nproc is necessary – shouldn’t make’s -j flag automatically infer the number of available processors, if the amount wasn’t specified by the user?

Turns out – not at all, and the $(nproc) part is very much necessary. Without it, when given -j, make will spawn an unlimited amount of jobs…

   -j [jobs], --jobs[=jobs]
        If the -j option is given without an argument, make will not limit the
        number of jobs that can run simultaneously.

This is bad, because in a VM with limited resources, you’re likely to get the compilation process killed by the kernel because of OOM issues.

Also, it makes the compilation take much longer than if the job limit was specified.

I ran some testing to see what the optimal job limit was, and indeed the optimal amount was the number of processors available, i.e. what nproc gives. So use make -j $(nproc).

Got suggestions? Email me.